Wednesday, May 26, 2010


i guess you really never know when things are gonna change...when life as you knew it shifts and everything you had goes away.when you look at yourself in a mirror and think.....WOW I"VE CHANGED.....when you can't remember today why this was so imprtant yesterday.when what you lived for.... doesn't mean anything anymore.and you think about it for days and wonder what the changed permanant..... is it good or bad..... can you adapt...?when you don't know what you want anymore.....and what you had... it's just not that same........

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


These are some of my new drawings.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Trenton Falls, Ny Photo-Expidition.

I want to wake up every morning,
To see you lying next to me.
I want to be wrapped up in your arms,
And feel your breath on my cheek.
Want to see the world threw your eyes,
Conquer the fears that I hide.
I need to go on forever beside you,
Because I’d be lost without you.

I would go the thousand miles,
To the ends of the earth and more,
To save you from your dragons,
And silence their might roars.
I will stand along beside you,
And never turn away.
Because after all that we’ve been threw,
I’d be lost without you.

I know you’ve had your doubt,
About how much I love you.
But your north on my compass,
You can’t deny it’s true.
The way the crow flies drives me to your side,
Like an a arrow straight and true,
You know the same as I do,
I belong beside you.

So I hope you know,
That where ever I go,
My path home leads to you.
Because I love you,
And would be lost without you.

My Wish For You

So here’s my wish for you,
I wish you could see yourself like I do.
Without all the anger and the loss,
Without bearing alone your cross.

I wish you could see yourself smile,
Or maybe just make it last for awhile.
It’s a wondrous thing to see,
It needs to be unchained and set free.

I wish you would learn to confide,
Your fears are not something you have to hide.
You have friends, who’d give anything to help you,
But you have to open up for them to be able too.

I wish you could learn to accept love,
To see it spread its wings like a turtle dove and soar,
You have soul mate waiting to be found,
Open you eyes and look around.

I wish you could see and not judge,
Fate won’t always be there to give the nudge you need,
You need to accept some things without question,
Don’t plan it out just choose a new direction.

I wish you would learn to let go,
Sometimes you have to give up control to see,
You’re hindered by your pride,
Freedom comes from contentment inside.

I wish you would stop and look back,
Embrace the memories and let go of the facts.
Remember what used to be good,
Forgets the things that you usually would.

I wish you would ask for help,
Sometimes you need to share the cards you’re dealt.
Standing up doesn’t mean standing alone,
You have those who love you who make up your home.

So that’s my wish for you,
To follow your heart straight and true.
Don’t carry the anger and the loss,
Because I’m here to help you bear your cross.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Love Is What You Feel ♥

You don't know why your hear beats faster,
Or why your eyes seem to sparkle with laughter,
You don't notice the grin that comes from within,
Or the silly look that comes soon after.
You don't notice the glimmer of a shimmer,
That is your nervous mind.
Writhing, twisting, and severly missing all of the heat from inside.
You don't notice the smile the shines from you,
Or glimpse the feelings that hide in you.
You don't hear the laugh that rides from you.
And you don't see the emotions that bind me to you.
You only see, know, and feel,
A feeling most strange indeed.
For love is a gift Greater than you,
And greater by far than me.
And for that it claims and will forever remain,
A truly wanted need.
LOVE is what you feel.
~Emma Rose